R2 by BLNDE Ambition
BLNDE Ambition
Two blondes are better than one!
Stacy Walgreen and Nicole Floyd, blonde, very ambitious and well educated in the CBD world and beauty industry, wanted to create something new and innovative; a product that would work on all skin types, and prove successful by using CBD as their star ingredient. They were using CBD long before it became all the rage and it worked for so many different skin, body, and wellness related issues. Living an active lifestyle and always looking for ways to improve living clean and healthy; they decided to find the best ingredients mother nature had offer to craft an "Oscar” worthy face serum.
Although there's a ten-year age difference between them their skin needs are very similar. Anti-aging, restoring and tightening their skin are a priority. After much research, the ladies behind BLNDE Ambition settled on CBD infused, collagen face serum in which all the ingredients are natural occurring or plant based. Also filled with vitamin A, B, C, D and E, and few other essentials, this serum is a one step, effortless way to keep your skin glowing and restore.
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Open hours
Daily 9:00 AM — 6:00 PM